Orlando School of Thai Massage School: (407) 331-8424

Florida Thai Massage FAX: (888) 268-9852


1985 Howell Branch Rd

Winter Park, Florida, USA 32792


Massage Establishment License #: mm23676





Thai Massage Classes - Course Offerings

L1    L2    L3    AP1    CTB-i    HF1    HF2    LPK-L1   LPK-spa    TT

All Thai Yoga Classes taught by Rob Murray, a Thai Bodywork Certified Instructor


Class size is limited to 12 students. 

I do this to ensure quality instruction for its own sake, but also because each successive class builds upon information and practices of the previous class.

  • Couples and parents are encouraged to participate. 

  • Private instruction is also available (one-on-one cost is double the respective class tuition; time frame reduced by 30%)

  • Private Groups (2 or more) desiring weekday instruction available on a limited basis



After successfully passing each course, you will achieve a certificate of completion and will be "Trained,"  but not "Certified" - YET... 

Thai Massage Certification is achieved through a multistep process describe below.

L1    L2    L3    AP1    CTB-i    HF1    HF2    LPK-L1  LPK-spa    TT


Thai Bodywork Curriculum: An Overview

We recommend that all students take Level 1, even if they come from other programs. The sequence and many of the principles are unique, and essential to the rest of our program. After Level 1, many options are available:

  • The Thai Massage Core Studies track, consisting of Levels 1-3. It is definitely preferable to take the levels in order, although students occasionally are permitted to take Level 3 first if they have special circumstances.
    • Level 1: strong emphasis on fundamentals, body mechanics, teaches a 1-hour session and shows the student how to study Thai massage in our program. Prepares the student for further study at Thai Bodywwork.
    • Level 2: Therapeutic fundamentals -- adding Southern style techniques, using Sen lines and trigger point technology to address specific client issues. An additional 2.5 hours of treatment are presented. Prepares the student for Level 3.
    • Level 3: the complete Northern style sequence as taught at the Northern Medicine Hospital in Chiang Mai (3.5-4 hours). Intermediate stretches, backbends, lifts. Preparation for advanced stretches.
    • Anatomy for Thai Massage and Yoga -- a highly hands-on, palpation oriented approach to muscle location, function and stretching. This course can be credited if the student has a strong anatomy background, although many students who have had anatomy find it to be extremely useful.
  • HandsFree Thai, developed and taught exclusively at Thai Bodywork, shows the student how to work deeply and therapeutically with clients of all sizes, and without stress on the therapist.
    • HandsFree 1: fundamentals of the HandsFree style, balance, using body weight, walking techniques, stretch variations. Teaches a 1.5-2 hour sequence.
    • HandsFree 2: advanced variations, continues refining the students ability to work on larger clients without strain.
  • Luk Pra Kob - SPA Thai Herbal Compress Certification. The herbal compress is a key component of traditional therapeutic work. It should be in any Thai therapist's knowledge set and is taught in the traditional way at Thai Bodywork.  This class focuses on teaching the practitioner how and where to apply the compresses throughout the bodies sen lines regardless of how they apply or have learned their Thai massage.
  • Luk Pra Kob - Level 1 Thai Herbal Compress Certification. An introductory and entrance level certification where the therapist learns both the Level 1 Fundamentals with the LPK modality simultaneously.
  • Clinical Thai Bodywork Track, consisting currently of 7 modules, is unique in the field and offers the student a detailed, reproducible clinical approach to hundreds of common pain conditions. The general approach involves assessments, analysis of perpetuating factors, sophisticated Thai treatments and client education/self-care. The student can enter the series at any point, and each module covers pain symptoms in a specific area of the body (for example, CTB 2 covers low back, sacral, hip and pelvic pain). Please see the CTB page for detail on this track.
  • Thai Massage for the Spa Track - we teach trainings customized for the spa industry, including Thai massage for the table, Thai herbal compress and other treatments. These trainings are normally done onsite by Thai Bodywork Certified Instructors. Please contact us for details.


Certified Thai Bodywork Practitioner CertificationCertified Thai Bodywork Practitioner

Certified Thai Bodywork Practitioner (TBP) has the following requirements:

  • Completion of Levels 1-3 (130 hours)
  • Completion of HandsFree Thai 1 (20 hours)
  • Completion of A&P 1 (20 hours or testing credit)
  • successful completion of a 1.5-hour practical examination, with a grade of 'B' or better, performed on a Thai Bodywork Senior Instructor.
  • successful completion of a written examination dealing with Thai history, culture, energetic anatomy (grade of 'B' or better)
  • 30 documented Thai massage sessions on clients. Please use the session log form on www.thaibodywork.com/forums.
  • applicant must have received 3 documented sessions from a professional Thai massage practitioner. Thai Bodywork teachers and practitioners are preferred, but any professional Thai massage session can satisfy this requirement.
  • (www.thaibodywork.com/forums - to document your hours/sessions)

TO ENROLL in Thai Massage Trainings:
then: email(PDF), snail-mail, or fax:
  1. Thai Massage Student Enrollment Form (4 pages)


L1    L2    L3    AP1    CTB-i    HF1    HF2    LPK-L1  LPK-spa    TT